Archive for the ‘Domain Name Generator’ Category

Business Name Generator

Namestation has created a powerful, fun to use business name generator that users can take advantage of to find one of a kind domain names. And although there are numerous features of this generator that allow for endless possibilities, some users prefer to find names through the Hand-Picked Domains feature.

Namestation is more than just a website to find a great domain. Users can create a profile and view other user profiles, harnessing the growing popularity of going ‘social’. Namestation members can contribute domain name ideas, for fun, or on a more serious basis. For example, some members are titled Naming consultants, or Naming professionals. But any member can create a useful domain name that other users may find appealing.

These contributed name ideas are the basis for Namestation’s Hand-Picked Domains feature and nearly 30,000 domains have already been created. Members can submit domain name ideas as part of a naming contest. Once a winning name is chosen, the rest of the name ideas are available for use as a Hand-Picked Domain.

Users can search within the Hand-Picked Domains with keywords to help narrow down all the choices. And, what’s more, within the Hand-Picked Domain list, users can view a brief description of the contest, like “A domain that has to do with: parking space…”.

Choosing a domain doesn’t get any simpler than that! Plus, registering with Namestation and taking advantage of not only the domain name generator tools, but also the knowledge and creativity of the Namestation community will ensure the best possible domain name choice.

Creating domain names with dictionary keywords

Finding the perfect domain name can be a tedious process because so many great domains are already registered. But that doesn’t mean that all the best domains are taken, or that it is impossible or too time consuming to find the name that best suits your needs. NameStation has developed an innovative domain name generator full of priceless features that make choosing a bespoke domain easy and even fun.

Create domain names using the Dictionary Domains search allows users to search for names using the extensive power of the dictionary. For a basic search, simply click the Dictionary Domains tab from the menu, enter a keyword and then choose an extension like .com or .net. Your keyword can be a word you would actually like to use in your domain, like “bubble”, or merely related, like “pop”. Once you click generate names, a list will display endless combinations of possible domain names that are a combination of your keyword and another word, like “bubbleach” for example.
You can customize your Dictionary Domain search further with features like Alliterations and Related Words. Want your domain to have a playful tone or memorable pronunciation? Alliterations produce names like “BubbleBuddy” and “PopPoem”, to use our previous keyword examples. Using the Related Words feature can expand your options further by creating domains using words similar to your keyword.

If you haven’t found the perfect domain name yet, the other Dictionary Domain features will narrow down your choices. Word Lookup will locate your keyword in a massive list of alphabetical choices, allowing you to use the power of the dictionary in a matter of minutes. But if you are interested in using a name in another language, use the Translations feature and access possible domain names in more than 20 different languages.

Namestation’s Dictionary Domain tool is just one aspect of the groundbreaking domain name generator. After you experience the many features of the domain name generator, you will surely have chosen the ideal name.

Website Name Ideas

Generate website name ideas here.

Selecting a good name for your online company is one of the most important business decisions you can make. The right name can make a significant difference to your bottom line and to the ongoing success of your business. With so many millions of domain names out there, it may seem as if all the best ones have been taken, but time spent thinking up effective domain name ideas is still time well spent.

Before you start, define your business clearly. What do you make? What do you do? How do you stand out from the competition? What is it about your business that you want your domain to communicate to your customers?

Whatever name you choose, you want it to be easy to remember. That way, it’ll be easier for potential and repeat customers to keep it in mind when they’re in the market for your products or services, and it will generate easy traffic for your site.

Branding is important. You want a name that is associated with your unique brand, a name that will draw web-browsing customers to your company and not to those of your competitors.

Keywords can help draw in customers, too. Incorporating the right keyword into your domain name will result in better search engine results. If you service a particular geographical area, tossing a brief geographical reference into your name can help pull in local customers.

Your business name should sound good to the ear. If you want your customers to spread good word of mouth about you, it helps if your name trips easily off their tongues. Alliteration can help in this regard, and so can borrowing a word from another language. If you have foreign or multi-ethnic customers, however, be cautious, since a name that sounds right in English can sound ridiculous in some foreign languages, and may even have unfortunate connotations.

With so many domain names already taken, you’ll want to be creative. But sometimes a simple phrase can yield a name that sounds good and evokes just the right image in the minds of your customers. For instance, if you want to get across the idea that your shoe store offers great variety, why not make it The right metaphor can work wonders.

Beware of any copyright or trademark infringement. Besides checking to see if your chosen business domain name is available, go the extra mile to make sure that you won’t receive any cease and desist letters from hostile lawyers.

A good domain name generator like NameStation can help tremendously when you’re trying to come up with good name ideas. It can generate a lot of possible names for you very quickly, based on the criteria that you select. It can evaluate your name ideas and spur your creativity in coming up with better ones. It can check out available domains and suggest alternatives and, if a particular name is already taken, it will suggest variations. And it can put the power of crowdsourcing to work for you by letting you run naming contests, either private ones with your friends or public ones with lots of potential customers. Their feedback and fresh perspectives can help you choose a business domain name that’s just right for you.

Having trouble finding the perfect website name?

Almost everyone today has a web presence in some capacity, whether it is a simple Twitter or Instagram profile, a Blogger account, or something more complex like a website. Many people even own more than one website.

While a handle for Twitter can be created quite easily, choosing a domain name for a website can be a more difficult process. In the past, a brick and mortar business existed long before its web presence was created. And, once a website was needed, a business owner could usually just use the current business name.

But presently, this is much harder to do: many common domain names are already taken! In addition, many businesses exist exclusively online, or their domain name will be the determining factor when choosing the business name. This means that choosing the right domain name for your business name or product is more important than ever. And because
simple and straightforward names are already in use, finding your domain name can be a challenge.

Namestation is a one of a kind website that will make lemonade out of these domain name lemons! With the use of Namestation’s domain name generators, finding a one-of-a-kind domain doesn’t even feel like a challenge; in fact, it is fun. Once you sign up for a free account, you can access name generators that help you access a seemingly endless supply of valuable domains. But if you don’t feel like searching for your own domain, start a contest and see what other users come up with.

Start using Namestation today to find the perfect fit!

Need a Domain Name? Start a Name Contest

Hold a Simple Domain Name Contest – click here

Finding good available domain names is becoming increasingly difficult. Each day, over 100K new .com domain names are purchased and as of today, nearly 200 million domains have been registered. If you have an online business, there is a good chance you must have experienced the frustration of endless domain checking, only to find out that all the good ones are taken. Don’t give up though, there are still good available domains out there! Finding them just requires a bit of creative thinking and a bit of time.

Save time using a domain name generator

You could save a lot of time with the help of a good domain research tool. Choosing a suitable, relevant and memorable name is naturally a creative process, but there are a lot of technical tasks that can be automated by specialized domain search software.  This domain name search tool helps you generate an almost infinite combinations of words, create random pronounceable names, search for dictionary words, alliterations, overlapping words and so on. You can generate 1000-s of relevant, available domain name ideas in a few minutes. Mastering those research tools fully may take some learning time, but it will still be totally worth it – on average, people tend to spend days coming up with that perfect name.

If you don’t have the time to learn how the name generators work, there is an even simpler alternative.

Holding a Domain Name Contest

No time to search for domains? Starting a domain name contest at NameStation is the easiest way to get great name suggestions.

Simply describe what you need, enter a couple of names you like as examples and publish your Contest. You can hold a private Name Contest with your friends, or a crowdsourced Contest to get help from NameStation’s community. These are experienced naming specialists who are using advanced domain research techniques daily. NameStation has a built-in Talent Points and rewards system which keeps the contestants motivated. You can also share your contest on Facebook or Twitter to get more participants.

When you have received enough entries, you can rate them and invite your friends to vote. You can also give feedback to keep the contest going in the right direction. If there is an idea you’d like to develop further, you can ask the contestants to suggest alternative name variations.

NameStation instantly checks the availability of domain names, when entries are posted to Contests. If a domain is not available, it suggests a number of alternatives to choose from. You can even hear the pronunciation of the names created, check trademark availability and check the name background.

Start a Domain Name Contest 

Good luck with your domain search!

How to generate web 2.0 names?

You have probably heard about websites such as Pinterest, Zynga, Flickr or Instagram. Those names, characterized as web 2.0-ish, are a step forward from the ordinary names. From the previous article you got an idea what are web 2.0 names in general and now it’s time to get down to it and create some names yourself. If you are thinking about applying web 2.0 naming techniques to your own business, you might want to check the variety of name creation features on NameStation.

Getting down to business

Let´s take the first name on the list – Pinterest. It is a combination of two different words – pin and interest. The domain search tool to use on NameStation to obtain such results most effectively is Combine Lists. It blends two conceptual word lists with the possibility to choose whether you want the whole word to appear in the name or just a part of it.

For example, when looking for a name for a fitness blog, you may combine the lists like Health and Dynamic, Positive and Sport, Your Contest Keywords and Health, etc. It all depends on the concepts that you need to be reflected in the name of your company.

To create business names that include a particular word or a part of this word, choose Append Lists. This feature allows you to combine the word with any of the predetermined conceptual word lists. You can also choose if you want the word to appear at the beginning or at the end of the name.

Even more web 2.0-ish – looking further from compounds

If you don’t need your name to resemble a compound, you should also try the Substitutions Search or Random Name Generator to coin new words such as Zynga or Meebo.

The Random Name Generator is the easiest way to create names that essentially have no meaning; consequently, they won’t evoke any associations with your field of business. Such names could be very distinctive and in addition they enable you to build up the meaning of your brand from scratch.

For a wider selection of name alternatives, you could also use the Random Name feature in different languages, such as French, Latin or even Afrikaans.

Substitutions Search differs from the Random Name Generator in terms of letting you determine some parts of the name you would like your company to have. You just need to follow the key, presented on the right-hand side of the search feature.

For example, if you want to find a name, comprising of 6 letters so that the 1st, 4th and 6th letter are consonants and the rest are vowels, you can create a suitable name pattern with the help of the key. Having done that, you only need to press Search and NameStation will generate names according to your criteria. In case of the previous example, the pattern would be !**!*!.

Some examples of name patterns:

  • R?!*** – 6 letters, begins with R, 2nd letter is a vowel and 3rd a consonant
  • !?!?graph – ends with graph, preceded by the combination of consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel (CVCV)
  • Tan****! – 8 letters, begins with tan and finishes with a consonant; in between are 4 random letters
  • ?!??!? – 6 letters, begins with a vowel, followed by a consonant, 2 vowels and another consonant and a vowel.

Web 2.0 domain search


What are Web 2.0 domain names?

Many of you reading this article are probably struggling with finding a great domain name for your business or have faced the challenge at some point. The most obvious domain names, such as,,, have been snapped up by companies or domainers ages ago, and to reach what is left out there requires a fair amount of creative thinking. This is also the reason why web 2.0 domain names have grown increasingly popular.

To be honest, there is no clear definition what makes a domain name web 2.0. The most common criteria you may often hear is that the name should be trendy, cutting-edge and unique. Sounds ambiguous, doesn’t it? It should, because the term itself is rather intuitive and abstract; therefore, most interpretations have at least a tinge of truth in them. Nevertheless, some domain names just seem more web 2.0-ish than others.

Web 2.0 itself refers to websites that enable users to communicate with each other and generate content as opposed to web 1.0, which consists of sites that are plain information providers targeting passive readers. Web 2.0 sites include, for example, social networks, wikis, blogs and other content sharing websites. Facebook and Twitter would be the most obvious examples. Web 2.0 domain names, however, are only related to web 2.0 as much as the fact that such domain names established their popularity together with the development of web 2.0 itself. While a huge number of web 2.0 sites have a name that could be characterized as web 2.0-ish, it is not a must.

Main characteristics of web 2.0 domains

Like I said before, no one has actually established the specific characteristics of a web 2.0 name. However, everyone seems to agree that when the name does not exist as a real word, it is somehow related to web 2.0. Names such as, or obviously do not belong to the group, but domains that look further from the plain dictionary-style could already be called web 2.0-ish.

Typical Examples:

Flickr, Google – misspelled words (flicker, googol)
Facebook, YouTube – while they are simple compounds consisting of two nouns, they had no use before the websites were established
Instagram, Pinterest – combinations of two recognizable parts of real words (instant + telegram, pinboard + interest)

Naturally, these three groups do not encompass all the possible methods of creating web 2.0 domain names. Sometimes the name could be made up from scratch (such as or be a real word with a metaphorical application. For example, has essentially nothing to do with the river but the size of the Amazon is used to refer to the sales potential of the online store, which initially focused only on books. All in all, the possibilities are unlimited; you just need a bit of creativity. And of course luck.

Having clarified the essence of web 2.0 names, it would be appropriate to post an article about the simplest methods on how to generate web 2.0 domain names with the help of NameStation. Keep yourself posted!

Click here to find short web 2.0 domain names

Top 25 words in domain search

This list of top 25 words used in domain search is based on search statistics of NameStation Domain Name Generator. To this we have added a number of alternatives. Hopefully this helps inspire a bit of variety when coming up for suitable words.

 Go to Keyword domains search

  1. web – online, page, site, home, dot, point, channel, link, click, source, gate, world
  2. cloud – stratus, nebula, cirrus, air, grid, mesh, space, ether, sky, serve, virtual, stack, thin, agile, open
  3. tech – vac, tron, matic, gadget, logic, sys, digi, robo, auto, mill, motor, rocket, rational, kit, suite, unit
  4. business – focus, vision, solutions, alliance, advisor, commerce, office, suite, team
  5. deal – save, bargain, budget, cent, dime, discount, drop, less, offers, penny, promo, sale, value, wallet
  6. studio – atelier, gallery, lot, scene, location, floor, workshop, forge
  7. social – club, group, circle, buddy, connect, crowd, folk, forum, guild, lodge, mate, meet, member, mix, nation, network, nexus, pal, people, public, quorum, set, summit, team, tribe, world
  8. design – adapt, create, custom, illustrate, model, shape, form, figure, pattern, make, build, frame, style, variety, class, prototype
  9. my – self, ego, own, id, take, be, personal, private, secret, inner
  10. shop – boutique, store, market, bazaar, browse, outlet, retail, commerce, vendor, mart, order, merchant, purchase, buyer
  11. photo – pic, picture, scene, screen, shoot, shot, snap, studio, film, focus, flash, frame, image, lens
  12. game – arcade, compte, contest, goal, mark, player, score, team, trophy
  13. buy – cart, catalog, purchase, outlet, store, seller, trade, sale
  14. media – connect, interactive, link, report, scoop, public, story, bulletin, broadcast, message, topic
  15. smart – brilliant, bright, clever, creative, fox, guide, genius, insight, inspire, intellect, master, mind, prodicy, sharp, specialist, talent, wise, virtuoso
  16. host – online, site, server, home, domain, digital, website, access, gate, route, avenue, channel, station, click
  17. net – grid, signal, relay, comm, contact, mesh, wire, connect, zone, maze, node, transmit, transfer, pipe, send, scan, post, traffic, uplink, tube, cirquit
  18. ad – promo, advert, sell, hype, target, push, drive, boost, campaign, press, force, promote, reach, agency, market, info, target, contact, deliver
  19. green – fresh, foliage, leaf, sustainable, preserve, sustain, viable, future, vision
  20. go – run, move, travel, jump, act, walk, drive, step, ride, start, launch, begin, enter, embark, kickoff, fire, spring, init
  21. pro – expert, ace, maven, analyst, strategist, master, guru, wizard, hotshot, genius
  22. app – use, work, utility, device, gizmo, kit, tool, run
  23. trip – getaway, leave, leisure, travel, hike, expedition, explore, tour, holiday, journey, passport, sights, takeoff, trail, vacation, wander
  24. easy – accessible, bare, basic, breeze, convenient, fot, handy, plain, pure, ready, simple, smooth
  25. data – input, format, record, info, stats, table, file, stack, archive, list, storage, save, log, book, track, ledger

Finding website name ideas

Have you visited a website having an extremely long domain name? As an unbiased person do you prefer typing those long cumbersome urls in the address bar of your web browser?

Suppose you are planning to start a small business and your business requires you to have an online entity. The first thing that you have to do in this case is finding the right name for your website. Finding the right website name is absolutely imperative for the success of your business online because if your client finds it to cumbersome to visit your website due to any given reason then he/ she might prefer to stay away which in turn would be disastrous for your online enterprise.

Without a proper name no individual in this world has an identity and the same applies to your business to. Without a proper name your business will be passed off as an amateur one which is just looking to make a quick buck and is more interested in cost cutting. In addition to all this when you start giving your business cards to your clients would it look nice to have a shoddy name printed at the bottom? For example when you want to shop online the instant name that comes to mind is ebay and this is because you have visited the site before and the name is easy to remember and spell and it is not complicated so you will visit it again. A few simple guidelines to follow in general are that your name should be easy to spell and it should be as short as possible. The most important thing is that your domain name should be easy to remember.

Some of the many different ways in which you can generate website name ideas are:

1. Random name generators: in this method the automated software will just generate random names. You can specify a suffix or a prefix if required and you can also specify the length of the name that you wish to obtain. The random name generator will create random names that can be pronounced in different languages and not any arbitrary name.

2. Substitutions: By taking normal names from the English dictionary and replacing few characters from it, you can generate a new name altogether.

3. Mix and append: Take two names at a time and append them together to get a new name. For example: fantastic + fabulous = fantabulous; or gigantic + enormous = ginormous; or fun + frolic = folic.

4. Adding extra characters: Using a name which is part of the English vocabulary you can add an extra letter somewhere in the entire word to create a new word/ name that might be used as a name for your website.

5. Playing with Proper nouns: Proper nouns have a specific spelling mentioned in the vocabulary. You can twist and turn them around to create a new name altogether. For example instead of using the word “cool” you can use “kool” which sounds the same.

6. Naming contests: Another innovative website name idea is by holding naming contests online. You can suggest a few guidelines to mention what you are looking for and then hold a contest in which users around the world can register for free and submit their entries. In this method you will find a wide range of names as people from wide genres of society will participate and give you their ideas. Of course there will be a prize money or something that has to be given barring which people will not take interest in the contest.

Finding a potential name for your website is the cornerstone for the success of your enterprise and it is a more time consuming process than you actually think.

Hold Naming Contests to Find Company Names

Click here to Start a Name Contest

Whenever starting a new business, one of the main aspects to consider besides the idea itself is what it should be called. The power of a good name should not be underestimated. Choosing the right name can enhance the success of your company; on the other hand, making the wrong choice may sometimes be costly or doom the venture to failure. For example, Chevy Nova by General Motors’ was unsuccessful in Latin America because the company failed to notice the fact that “Nova” in Spanish stands for “it doesn’t go”.

In general, it is not hard to come up with a name for your business; however, when taking into account a number of characteristics that a good name needs, the name-search could become rather excruciating. To make matters worse, there is no consensus on the features of a good name. Some believe that the best names are informative so that the customers immediately know what your business is about. Others favour newly coined names (like Kodak, Intel, Nike) over already existing words, claiming that the former are more memorable. Finally there are those who for attention-grabbing purposes insist on a name beginning with a plosive letter (like B, C, D, G, K, P and T).

When looking for a name, one of the most important aspects to consider is checking whether there are any available and relevant domain names in accordance with the name you chose for your business. Moreover, since there are already about 200 million registered domain names, the process of finding a good name could potentially turn out to be more time-consuming than initially thought.

Creating Name Ideas

The website name generator NameStation helps to make this process easier for you. It offers a great number of opportunities to coin and combine words, so that you will never feel that your creativity has reached a dead end. Within seconds, you can generate hundreds of domain name suggestions. In addition there are several applications to help you with that, such as creating compound words with preset wordlists or words that you prefer to feature in the name of your future business. Among other possibilities, the system also offers word-substitutions, alliterative word combinations and translations to and from English. Furthermore, when creating new names the system automatically checks domain name availability.

Social Naming Contests

NameStation is a social naming service, allowing you to create public naming contests to find a name for your business. Holding a name contest with NameStation enables you to benefit from a global brainstorming event in essence, since the contests are open to suggestions from participants from all over the world. Everyone is free to contribute ideas to their own liking, with or without using the help of the system. You may choose to hide the responses from the participants to avoid distraction. Furthermore, you can easily interact with the participants through comments asking them for reasons behind their name suggestions if they have not added those from the start. It is also possible to connect with Facebook and ask your friends to contribute their ideas to the name-search.

Available Domain Names

In general, it is advisable that the .com extension of a domain name is available. With an urge to reach the market fast, some entrepreneurs often opt for the .net version if the .com is not available anymore, later regretting the decision. Consequently, when searching for the website, potential customers accidentally flock to the .com version, possibly never reaching their actual desired destination – that is your website.

After finding a suitable name, test it on a sample of potential customers to avoid mishaps like the Chevy Nova case and to find out whether the name is relevant, memorable and likeable. A good domain name is the corner stone of your online brand and when searching for it, remember to consider the long-term perspective. Contemplate future options for your business in order not to discover after a year that you are trapped in your domain name. When you feel it is a looming possibility, you can always start a new name contest at NameStation.