Posts Tagged ‘Name Ideas’

New website for holding a Name Contest

Name ContestA new website  helps  everyone host a name contest. Simply go to , enter the requirements and publish the contest.

Contest participants can enter name ideas, chat in the discussion forum and cast their votes to select the best names. You control the contest process using the Contest Management Dashboard.  To get better engagement, add photos, videos, logos, use social media integration with Facebook and Twitter. You can also add custom Contest Terms, offer prizes etc.

With, anyone can host a contest for finding personal names for pets or babies or brand names for businesses, services or products. Go to and try it out today. It’s completely free!

Need a Domain Name? Start a Name Contest

Hold a Simple Domain Name Contest – click here

Finding good available domain names is becoming increasingly difficult. Each day, over 100K new .com domain names are purchased and as of today, nearly 200 million domains have been registered. If you have an online business, there is a good chance you must have experienced the frustration of endless domain checking, only to find out that all the good ones are taken. Don’t give up though, there are still good available domains out there! Finding them just requires a bit of creative thinking and a bit of time.

Save time using a domain name generator

You could save a lot of time with the help of a good domain research tool. Choosing a suitable, relevant and memorable name is naturally a creative process, but there are a lot of technical tasks that can be automated by specialized domain search software.  This domain name search tool helps you generate an almost infinite combinations of words, create random pronounceable names, search for dictionary words, alliterations, overlapping words and so on. You can generate 1000-s of relevant, available domain name ideas in a few minutes. Mastering those research tools fully may take some learning time, but it will still be totally worth it – on average, people tend to spend days coming up with that perfect name.

If you don’t have the time to learn how the name generators work, there is an even simpler alternative.

Holding a Domain Name Contest

No time to search for domains? Starting a domain name contest at NameStation is the easiest way to get great name suggestions.

Simply describe what you need, enter a couple of names you like as examples and publish your Contest. You can hold a private Name Contest with your friends, or a crowdsourced Contest to get help from NameStation’s community. These are experienced naming specialists who are using advanced domain research techniques daily. NameStation has a built-in Talent Points and rewards system which keeps the contestants motivated. You can also share your contest on Facebook or Twitter to get more participants.

When you have received enough entries, you can rate them and invite your friends to vote. You can also give feedback to keep the contest going in the right direction. If there is an idea you’d like to develop further, you can ask the contestants to suggest alternative name variations.

NameStation instantly checks the availability of domain names, when entries are posted to Contests. If a domain is not available, it suggests a number of alternatives to choose from. You can even hear the pronunciation of the names created, check trademark availability and check the name background.

Start a Domain Name Contest 

Good luck with your domain search!

Top 25 words in domain search

This list of top 25 words used in domain search is based on search statistics of NameStation Domain Name Generator. To this we have added a number of alternatives. Hopefully this helps inspire a bit of variety when coming up for suitable words.

 Go to Keyword domains search

  1. web – online, page, site, home, dot, point, channel, link, click, source, gate, world
  2. cloud – stratus, nebula, cirrus, air, grid, mesh, space, ether, sky, serve, virtual, stack, thin, agile, open
  3. tech – vac, tron, matic, gadget, logic, sys, digi, robo, auto, mill, motor, rocket, rational, kit, suite, unit
  4. business – focus, vision, solutions, alliance, advisor, commerce, office, suite, team
  5. deal – save, bargain, budget, cent, dime, discount, drop, less, offers, penny, promo, sale, value, wallet
  6. studio – atelier, gallery, lot, scene, location, floor, workshop, forge
  7. social – club, group, circle, buddy, connect, crowd, folk, forum, guild, lodge, mate, meet, member, mix, nation, network, nexus, pal, people, public, quorum, set, summit, team, tribe, world
  8. design – adapt, create, custom, illustrate, model, shape, form, figure, pattern, make, build, frame, style, variety, class, prototype
  9. my – self, ego, own, id, take, be, personal, private, secret, inner
  10. shop – boutique, store, market, bazaar, browse, outlet, retail, commerce, vendor, mart, order, merchant, purchase, buyer
  11. photo – pic, picture, scene, screen, shoot, shot, snap, studio, film, focus, flash, frame, image, lens
  12. game – arcade, compte, contest, goal, mark, player, score, team, trophy
  13. buy – cart, catalog, purchase, outlet, store, seller, trade, sale
  14. media – connect, interactive, link, report, scoop, public, story, bulletin, broadcast, message, topic
  15. smart – brilliant, bright, clever, creative, fox, guide, genius, insight, inspire, intellect, master, mind, prodicy, sharp, specialist, talent, wise, virtuoso
  16. host – online, site, server, home, domain, digital, website, access, gate, route, avenue, channel, station, click
  17. net – grid, signal, relay, comm, contact, mesh, wire, connect, zone, maze, node, transmit, transfer, pipe, send, scan, post, traffic, uplink, tube, cirquit
  18. ad – promo, advert, sell, hype, target, push, drive, boost, campaign, press, force, promote, reach, agency, market, info, target, contact, deliver
  19. green – fresh, foliage, leaf, sustainable, preserve, sustain, viable, future, vision
  20. go – run, move, travel, jump, act, walk, drive, step, ride, start, launch, begin, enter, embark, kickoff, fire, spring, init
  21. pro – expert, ace, maven, analyst, strategist, master, guru, wizard, hotshot, genius
  22. app – use, work, utility, device, gizmo, kit, tool, run
  23. trip – getaway, leave, leisure, travel, hike, expedition, explore, tour, holiday, journey, passport, sights, takeoff, trail, vacation, wander
  24. easy – accessible, bare, basic, breeze, convenient, fot, handy, plain, pure, ready, simple, smooth
  25. data – input, format, record, info, stats, table, file, stack, archive, list, storage, save, log, book, track, ledger

Company name origins – starting with “C”

  • CA – Computer Associates was founded in 1976 as Computer Associates International, Inc. by Charles Wang
  • Cadillac – named after the 18th century French explorer Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac, founder of Detroit, Michigan. Cadillac is a small town in the South of France.
  • Canon – Originally (1933) Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory the new name (1935) derived from the name of the company’s first camera, the Kwanon, in turn named after the Japanese name of the Buddhist bodhisattva of mercy.
  • Caterpillar – Originally Holt Tractor Co, merged with Best Tractor Co. in 1925. A company photographer exclaimed aloud of a Holt tractor that the tracks’ movement resembled a caterpillar moving along the ground. The name stuck.
  • Casio – from the name of its founder, Kashio Tadao, who had set up the company Kashio Seisakujo as a subcontractor factory.
  • Chevrolet – named after company co-founder Louis Chevrolet, a Swiss-born auto racer. The company was merged into General Motors in 1917 and survives only as a brand name.
  • Chrysler – named after the company founder, Walter P. Chrysler.
  • Cisco – short for San Francisco. It has also been suggested that it was “CIS-co”: Computer Information Services was the department at Stanford University where the founders worked.
  • Citroën – named after André-Gustave Citroën (1878–1935), a French entrepreneur of Dutch descent. He was the fifth and last child of the Dutch Jewish diamond merchant Levie Citroen and Mazra Kleinmann (of Warsaw, Poland). The Citroen family moved to Paris from Amsterdam in 1873 where the name changed to Citroën.
  • Coca-Cola – derived from the coca leaves and kola nuts used as flavoring. Coca-Cola creator John S. Pemberton changed the ‘K’ of kola to ‘C’ to make the name look better.
  • Colgate-Palmolive – formed from a merger of soap manufacturers Colgate & Company and Palmolive-Peet. Peet was dropped in 1953. Colgate was named after William Colgate, an English immigrant, who set up a starch, soap and candle business in New York City in 1806. Palmolive was named for the two oils (Palm and Olive) used in its manufacture.
  • Compaq – from computer and “pack” to denote a small integral object; or: Compatibility And Quality; or: from the company’s first product, the very compact Compaq Portable.
  • COMSAT – a contraction of communications satellites. This American digital telecommunications and satellite company was founded during the era of U.S. President John F. Kennedy era to develop the technology.
  • Corel – from Cowpland Research Laboratory, after the name of the company’s founder, Dr. Michael Cowpland.
  • Cray – supercomputer company named after its founder, Seymour Cray.
  • CVS – originally Consumer Value Stores. CEO Tom Ryan has said he now considers ‘CVS’ to stand for “Customer, Value, and Service”.

Ahead of the game with domain names

Marketing and advertising is the name of the business. No matter how good your product or service is and the benefits consumers can reap from them, it can easily be overshadowed by competitors by simply having better domain names. So if you’re  in the process of coming up with all the business and domain names, one should be the one to beat them.

The online domain name generator at allows you to gain an advantage in the name hunting and registration game. Stay a step ahead by keeping a close, real-time watch on relevant names that can help you become a stronger player with internet-based marketing and business.

You will find that many of the business names and even domain names you can look up from this website are short, catchy and with the most common extensions that most customers and clients can familiarize themselves with. You don’t have to figure this all out on your own. NameStation is your one-stop shop that will make checking domain names availability steps a breeze for you.

Know, however, that the best domain names are most likely taken by another which may or may not be a direct competitor. But don’t feel let down because NameStation will not give up on you. Experimenting with various domain creation tools or adding a few letters as affixes can make a difference different such as adding “my”, numbers or even special characters.

Processing domain registration online is simple as well. At NameStation you get no less than the top 30 hosting companies including corresponding prices for the domain name, hosting, information on disk space, bandwidth and links. And mind you, the prices are competitive and you could find one registrant that would fit your budget.

Give your product or service the marketing push it needs to make it a successful venture and start your domain search at – the free domain name generator and brainstorming tool.

Looking for Unique Business and Domain Names?

Creating business names and finding available domain names are important factors in online business that you should attend to with care.

You need to come up with a business name that would help people identify you, what you do and what it means to them as a consumer. In other words, you need a name that is meaningful, brandable, short and easy to remember.

Brilliant Ideas Online

The reason why you would want to come up with a good domain and/or business name is plain and simple. You would need something that would be interesting and eye-catching enough for internet surfers to take a second, longer look at your business once they see it. This is going to be the key to open doors for you as business owner to potential customers or clients.

Here is where can help you tremendously. NameStation is a domain name generator which helps you choose from a wide range of unique company ideas for startup names and other name ideas. Think of names of babies (boy or girl), pets, bands, produc ts of for instance, screen names and roleplay names. Regardless of whatever part of the world you’re from or which language you use, NameStation has it figured out for you. For baby names alone, parents can get a load of names instantly that have been arranged using clever mathematics to come up with a totally special name that matches language semantics. Examples are Carly, Antonnie, Angel, Milli, Krissi and more. There are over 20 language rules to choose from for name creation, including English, Latin, French, Italian, Russian and other Scandinavian, European, African, Asian languages. Even artificial languages like Klingon from Star Trek and Tolkien’s elven language Sindarin can be tried to produce some more interesting names using semantics specific to them.

Available Domain Names

After a business owner or individual has figured out the best business names to use, the next key step is to create domain names. And you need to do this quickly. There are lots of business startups out there who are raring to start their own websites and register their chosen domain names. You don’t have monopoly to great, catchy business names and domain names unless you registered it first.

You can do all this in NameStation with a few mouse clicks. You can easily check what are the available domain names right this minute or run a domain search and get results in a few seconds. On the homepage, you will find several suggestions on available domain names. This comes with columns that would tell you if the generated names are free and available for you to use. If a domain is taken, you can hit the analyze link to see more details about the domain name to find out its current status and who owns it. Get similar suggestions by clicking alternatives right across the domain name you have initially wanted to register. Know that this website can spell magic for you. It is affiliated with some of the most reliable search engines and domain registrars over the internet.

Free Registration

Another good deal one is sure to receive from the domain name search tool NameStation, is free registration. Choose a login name, password, email address and pronto, you can get personalized service at the tips of your finger. Bookmark domain names you’re interested in so you could easily pull them up when you need to go back to them. And when you’re ready, go through with the domain name registration through NameStation too.

For further information, please visit

How to create cool screen names

Screen Name Generator

Create cool names that your friends aren’t going to believe! ASCII has many special characters in it that many people don’t know about. This recipe also has many tips that are going to help you think of a cool display name!

There are two ways you can create cool display names. One way of accessing other symbols is by experimenting. To experiment you can use this technique:

1. Press Alt+a number combination (Try all sorts of combinations, I find that there are a lot of combinations in the 0160 range that can be used)
Make sure that you don’t release the alt button in between!
As soon as you let go of the Alt button you can see your character symbol there.

Here are a few examples

Press Alt+0153 to get a ™ symbol
Press Alt+0169 to get a © symbol
Press Alt+0164 to get a ¤ symbol
Press Alt+0166 to get a ¦ symbol
And so on…

If you want a list of more of the symbols then use the list of symbols (Windows Character Map) in Microsoft Word

To access this:
1. Open Microsoft Word
2. Click on Insert on the menu bar
3. Then click on Symbols…

Then a box will pop up with all the symbols. Just double click on a symbol to paste it in the document. Then just copy and paste the symbol from your document.

Now all you need is a little creativity to put all these symbols together.

Most people either make a pattern out of these symbols around their name or make their name out of symbols.

Here are some examples I could come up with:

® | $ |-| Σ Я ž ™- Notice that this name is created completely using symbols, and I have spaced the symbols so that it is a bit easier to read.

[¸,ø¤º°`¦°º¤ø,¸ |The Risherz| ¸,ø¤º°`¦°º¤ø,¸]© ²ºº5 – Just a few symbols that I put together and repeated the same on the other side.

That’s all there is to it!

To change you display name in msn just

1. Click on Tools
2. Click on Options…
3. Type in your display name or use Copy and Paste in the text box under
“Type your name as you want others to see it:”

Now when your friends sign onto MSN Messenger they are going to see your extremely cool display name!

New domain name search engine domain search is a  random domain name generator that combines several search methods to come up with new unused domains. Just enter the keyword that interests you, Randomainer will find its semantic relations and use the parts of those words to create new names. Advanced domain search lets you specify the keywords that should be contained in the names that are generated.

The domain search engine can be used to search for available domain names for startup businesses, personal and private domains, professionals and corporatsions etc. Domain name availability can be verified with GoDaddy.

Visit to find out more.

Random Fantasy Name Generators in Different Languages

Generate random names in any language using an extensive database of hand-selected names.

This is a useful tool for coming up with cool unique name ideas for anything – business names, roleplay names, pet names, baby names, you name it:) 

Simply select a template from the following list to create 100 names in a blink of an eye:

African Names

Croatian Names

Czech Names

Danish Names

Dutch Names

English Names

English (female names)

English (male names)

English (places)

English (tech)

Estonian Names

Finnish Names

French Names

German Names

Gothic Names

Hindu Names

Hungarian Names

Italian Names

Japanese Names

Klingon Names

Latin Names

Latvian Names

Norwegian Names

Polish Names

Portuguese Names

Russian (places) Names

Sindarin Names

Spanish Names

Swahili Names

Swedish Names

Turkish Names