Posts Tagged ‘startup name generator’

Creating domain names with dictionary keywords

Finding the perfect domain name can be a tedious process because so many great domains are already registered. But that doesn’t mean that all the best domains are taken, or that it is impossible or too time consuming to find the name that best suits your needs. NameStation has developed an innovative domain name generator full of priceless features that make choosing a bespoke domain easy and even fun.

Create domain names using the Dictionary Domains search allows users to search for names using the extensive power of the dictionary. For a basic search, simply click the Dictionary Domains tab from the menu, enter a keyword and then choose an extension like .com or .net. Your keyword can be a word you would actually like to use in your domain, like “bubble”, or merely related, like “pop”. Once you click generate names, a list will display endless combinations of possible domain names that are a combination of your keyword and another word, like “bubbleach” for example.
You can customize your Dictionary Domain search further with features like Alliterations and Related Words. Want your domain to have a playful tone or memorable pronunciation? Alliterations produce names like “BubbleBuddy” and “PopPoem”, to use our previous keyword examples. Using the Related Words feature can expand your options further by creating domains using words similar to your keyword.

If you haven’t found the perfect domain name yet, the other Dictionary Domain features will narrow down your choices. Word Lookup will locate your keyword in a massive list of alphabetical choices, allowing you to use the power of the dictionary in a matter of minutes. But if you are interested in using a name in another language, use the Translations feature and access possible domain names in more than 20 different languages.

Namestation’s Dictionary Domain tool is just one aspect of the groundbreaking domain name generator. After you experience the many features of the domain name generator, you will surely have chosen the ideal name.

Startup Name Generator

Try the free Startup Name Generator today!

It may only be one word, but the right domain name can be a huge asset to your business. It is the signature by which potential customers all over the Web will come to know and recognize your enterprise. A good domain name can bring in customers and a bad name can drive them away, so choosing the right name is crucial. Here are five easy steps for doing just that.

Five Easy Steps to Finding a Great Business Domain Name

First, define your company. What do you offer? Who are your target customers, and where are they? How do you stand out from your competitors? Do you occupy a unique niche within your industry? Thinking about these things will help you come up with a name that fits.

Second, write down your ideas. Make a list of keywords. Jot down some images that you would like your name to bring to mind, and some thoughts that you would like it to convey. Remember that you’ll have to be creative, because millions of domain names have already been taken and thousands more are added to the Internet each day. But there are still myriad possibilities out there for names that are distinctive and easy to recall, names that won’t be drowned out by a sea of ordinary names when your potential customers are browsing the web.

Third, put your ideas together and come up with some candidates for your domain name. Sometimes two or three words that are ho-hum on their own can be combined or melded into one another to make something that sounds just right. A simple phrase might do the trick. If your business is selling widgets, why not call it If you’re stumped, or even if you’d just like some other ideas to add to the mix, a domain name generator like can be very helpful. It can generate random, memorable and pronounceable names, or names based around your chosen keywords. It can blend words in all sorts of ways and add alliteration. And it can check to see if your chosen name is in fact available, and suggest alternatives if it is not.

Fourth, brainstorm. Take your short list of potential names and run it by your friends, family and colleagues. They will bring fresh perspectives to bear on your choices, and may come up with good ideas you hadn’t thought of. It will be easier to make a confident final choice after weighing their ratings and opinions of the potential names you’ve settled upon.

Finally, select the best domain name from your list of candidates and get it registered. It may be a good idea to buy multiple extensions of your domain name, like .net and .org, to help protect your brand, and to make sure that anyone who comes across your chosen domain name will be drawn to your company alone. It’s also smart to check that your chosen domain name and any associated logo don’t infringe on any copyrights or trademarks.

By NameStation Startup Name Generator